Published Resources Details Journal Article

Friedman, N.
Just how dangerous is North Korea?
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings
vol. 131, no. 4, 38443, pp. 4-6

Accession No.3399


“This article reports that in February 2005, the North Koreans announced that they had some nuclear weapons. Since they have not conducted any sort of test as yet, it is impossible to tell whether the bomb or bombs exist or whether they work. The North Koreans have agreed to abandon their bomb program, but they continue to attempt to produce U-235, another bomb fuel. However, it appears that the U-235 program has not been successful. It is also possible that North Korea obtained a bomb design from Pakistan in return for ballistic missiles. A threat against or attack on Japan is probably the one thing the North Koreans could do that would be genuinely popular in South Korea.”