Published Resources Details Journal Article

Farrer, M.
Reorientation of Chinese Naval Focus and the Expansion of South Sea Fleet
Asia Pacific Defence Reporter
vol. 36, no. 1, 40210, pp. 36-38

Accession No.3173


"Since the creation of the Imperial Chinese steam navy in 1863, Chinese naval power has maintained the same general strategic structure. This 'traditional focus' of three main forces, all concerned with coastal defence, was continued after 1949. However, the PLA-N build up of the last 20 years has changed this. The new Chinese maritime strategic posture is now becoming clear, and is causing strong responses among regional nations - including Australia. This concern will in all likelihood continue to grow as Chinese naval 'reach' improves. This new Chinese posture is already causing India some alarm, as China extends its maritime power into the Indian Ocean. This stage of PLA-N 'reach' is being focussed in the South Sea Fleet."