Published Resources Details Journal Article

Arnold, B.
Security Two Point Oh? Security Sharing and Web 20 - Who is Watching You?
Security Solutions
no. 62, November/December 2009, pp. 57-66

Accession No.2807


Web 2.0 - the Internet of Facebook, blogging, Google Maps and Twitter - is about sharing. That sharing might enrich an individual's life, provide the basis for 'Government 2.o' (sleek, responsive, smart) or 'Enterprise 2.0' and assist the growth of Australian business in a global environment. Unfortunately, it may involve sharing with criminals; potential employers, credit rating agencies, business competitors, parents, stalkers or simply people who do not like what is written and reach for a lawyer rather than a gun. This article highlights security implications of Web 2.0, with an indication of how individuals and organizations are dealing with particular threats."