Published Resources Details Journal Article

Foreign and Colonial Notes: Torpedo Boats
vol. 30, 13 August 1880, p. 138

Accession No.2274


'At Saltonshall Lake two representatives of the Lake Torpedo Company [Lay Torpedo Company], the manufactory of which is a Hartford, are engaged in experimenting with one of the company's locomotive torpedoes. The casing is a comparatively recent invention, and the object of the experiments is to improve it in a variety of ways. It is made of sheet-iron, is about 25 ft. in length and 18 in. in diameter, and is pointed at both ends. The motive power is a screw, propelled by an engine, which derives its motion from the generation of gas. The course of the torpedo is directed from the shore or vessel from which it is sent by means of electricity, paying out wire for the transmission of the electricity as it advances. The explosive power is dynamite, of which 125 lb. is used. Torpedoes of this kind have been sold to the Russian Government and to the Peruvian Government, and some are in the course of construction for the United States Government. Among other experiments to be tried will be one to submerge the boat and propel it when hidden beneath the water. One of the gentlemen experimenting at Saltonshall Lake, was in Peru some months since explaining the working of the torpedoes, and while there a person unfamiliar with the invention began experimenting with one of them, and as he failed to remove the dynamite, the result was the killing of 14 men.'
