Published Resources Details Journal Article

Steam launch for the Greek Government
The Engineer
vol. 82, 25 September 1896, p. 310

Accession No.468


A steam launch (length 30 feet, beam 7 feet, 3 feet 7 inches deep; trial speed 10.7 knots) fitted with a four and a quarter inch by six a three quarter inch by 10 inch by 5 inch stroke triple-expansion marine engine, operating at 800 revolutions per minute, with steam supplied at 200 pounds per square inch by an unspecified water-tube boiler ran its official trial on the 12th of June 1896. The launch achieved a mean speed of 10.2 knots during sixteen runs over the measured half-mile, with a mean steam pressure of 180 pounds per square inch. During the last part of the trial the steam pressure was worked up to 200 pounds per square inch, and a mean speed of 10.7 knots was achieved during four runs over the measured half-mile.